Select your preferred colour palette and we'll bring your attendant/bridesmaid bouquet(s) to life in Floralista’s signature, loose, romantic style. Each bouquet is unique and designed specifically for your special day, coordinating with the style of your wedding.
Each attendant/bridesmaid bouquet(s) is completed with a classic ribbon wrap. Please specify your preferred ribbon colour in the notes section of the order.
Your custom pieces will be wrapped and ready for you to pick-up on the day of your wedding, including a glass vase to keep your bouquet(s) fresh all day long. Please specify your desired pick-up date & time in the notes section of the order.
This is the perfect combination for any couple planning a small wedding or elopement, and a great option for photoshoots.
All bouquets are made with the finest seasonal materials with a preference for local and specialty flowers and foliage. Each piece is unique and designer's choice. We welcome design requests, but cannot guarantee specific materials.